Monday 6 December 2010

LIIAR interpretation of the brief

I am going to do a LIIAR interpretation of the brief to show what conventions I should have used in Feedback Magazine. The conventions I will use will initially will be placed in language.

-A masthead which is used to stand out and attract the readers attention, this is also authentic because a masthead will stereotypically appear on a music magazine in a bold, bright fashion.

-Anchorage is also used  to drag the reader in to read more, this could be used as a slogan to create a connotation. This also can be the picture used which can be related to the issue.

- A caption can also be used to tell the audience more about the picture used, why it is related to the picture. An insight of what will pop up as the reader progresses through the magazine so they know what will come up.

-A logo will be used to stick in the audience's head. So as the logo is advertised the audience can refer to the magazine.

-Issue dating and listing will be an important convention to tell the audience that this is the up-to-date issue. This also allows them to carry on from the last issue.

-House styling and colours will be another important factor so the magazine does not look too messy and lost with a wide variety of house styles and colours. To keep it original a limited used of house styles and colours will be used to keep authenticity.

- A headline will also be used to tell the audience what the main image is about as it will be the main issue in the magazine.

The music magazine publisher that Feedback Magazine will be published under is by MusicMags Magazine Distribution as they generally produce classic rock or any other type of rock magazine. This will be ideal for Feedback Magazine as it is a classic rock magazine. Some magazines will will be similar to 'Feedback Magazine' and published by MusicMags magazine distributor consist of 'Guitar Player Magazine', 'Guitar World', and 'Bass Player'. These are very popular magazine amongst rock fans. MusicMags Magazine Distribution also have there own website which is

The morals and hidden and opinions I want the reader to pick up upon is a slight rebellious nature about the magazine. Although Feedback Magazine will initially be aimed at the 35-55 age catagory. It might make them reminisce about their past of rebellious youth.

The audience is a major factor of selling a music magazine. There has got to be a high percentage of people in the classic rock fan community in order to sell 'Feedback Magazine'. I have chosen my target audience by using demographics  to narrow down what age group I am specifically aiming 'Feedback Magazine' at. This is how the demographics are catagorised:

-Under 15
-55 and over

The catagory that 'Feedback Magazine' will be placed under is 35-55. This is because classic rock music was extremly popular during the young lives of these people now. It would of been the music that they grew up to. On the other hand I am not under this age catagory which can contradict the catagory that I have placed my magazine under. Socio-economoic Groups  (SEG) is also another way of categorizing 'Feedback Magazine'. This consists of the money in which the target audience earn, social class and occupation of the audience. These are the six different catagories which magazines can be placed in:

A - These are the highest earning jobs with high income which are high managerial, administrative or proffesional jobs.

B - Lower managerial jobs, administrative or proffesional.

C1- High skilled manual workers

C2- Semi-skilled manual workers

D- Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers

E- Unemployed, Disabled, Pensioners

Another way to classify audiences is to value life styles (VALS). This is done using physcographics and consist of four main catagories. These are sub-divided into lifestyles.

1. Groups driven by needs such as survival
2 Groups who are outer directed - belongers, emulators, and achievers
3. Groups who are inner directed, i-am-me, experimentals, societally conscious
4. Groups who are both outer and inner directed-intergrated.

My magazine will feature a positive representation so that it interests more types of people to buy the magazine. On the other hand I am going to use a slight negative and stereotypical representation as rock music generally has rebellious nature included as part of the lifestyle associated with the music.

Saturday 4 December 2010