Wednesday 9 March 2011

Feedback Magazine contents page (so far and just about completed)

Questionnairre Poll

I decided to do a questionairre poll in my AS Media Studies class and questioned 30 students as part as my music magazine research.


Male - 40%
Female - 60%


16-17 - 85%
18-19 - 15%


Just Student - 78%
Outside related work also - 22%

Favourite Genre of Music?

Classic Rock 7%
Indie 14%
R n B 29%
Dance 20%
Other 30%

Do you read music magazines at all?

Yes 60%
No 40%

If you do, How Often do you read them?

Monthly 33%
Weekly 27%
Other 40%

Do you own a computer?
Yes 80%
No 20%

Do you have Internet Connection?
Yes - 85%
No - 15%

Do you own a music player of some sort?

Yes - 90%
No - 10%

Favourite TV Channel?

Channel 4 - 20%
BBC - 10%
ITV - 7%
Channel 5 - 0%
Other - 63%

Styles of Fonts for my Masthead

I liked and used this font as my masthead as it is original and classic which works coneveniently with the genre of my magazine.

 I also used this use of font for my masthead when making my magazine. I liked the fact that electronic currents are running throught it relating to an electric guitar. On the oher hand I thought it was unsutible and it did not suit it.

This font is hard hitting, bold and catches the eye. Initially this was also going to be used on my front cover but I thought the sheer boldness of it was too agressive which I did not want to include

I also liked this use of font but the style of writing and boldness of it makes it illegible to read on a music magazine. Whereas it has to be eye-catching but understandable for the audience

Monday 7 March 2011

Music Magazine Contents page research

This is excerpt from 'Classic Rock Magazine' from the October 2010 issue. Very simple uses of colour are used here to keep a classic, authentic feel about the magazine. The contents listing at the side is basic which illistates simplicity about the magazine. Furthermore this can also be seen by the few uses of colour used which are red, black and white. The picture of the figure shown is Ozzy Osbourne, deemed a rock legend by many fans. To illustrate this this is shown by the sheer size of him in this picture which implies that he is powerful and respected in the rock world. His eyes make direct contact with the audience instatly grabbing their attention with his mouth wide open looking exciting for the reader. On the other hand this could also be to scare the audience as the band Black Sabbath he was in was purposly meant to frighten the audience hinting at a connection between the two. The tattoo also seen on his right shoulder is a picture of a red rose. This connotes life and health which we see here as Ozzy is in his young prime-self. This also could connote to 'new' which can also relate to the 'suspected' tattoo below the rose which could mean 'new raw material' that he is making.

This contents page is from an October 2008 issue of 'Q Magazine'. It generally is related around indie and modern rock music. It is refreshing as the people featured on the magazine are relatively young which means it is aimed at a relatively young audience. It uses very basic text aswell as 'Classic Rock Magazine' to maintain the simplicity of the magazine. The conventions is based around three specific colours which are red, white and a slight use of black. The clean impression of the contents is because it is an indie-rock magazine which specifically is aimes at young adult/ teenagers as this is currently today's popular music. The gold anchorage used on the featured listings is used purposely to grab the readers attention when looking at the page. As Oasis are a popular Britpop fans amongst many people who this magazine is aimed at, it grabs the attention of the reader. Furthermore more this is used by the upper case captals used to get across to the audience and the use of exclamatory to create auditory. Furthermore this magazine can have a negative effect as there is not many pictures used on the contents, only two pictures which may feel boring for the reader of the targeted age.

This music magazine contents page is of Kerrang Magazine which was issued on the 1st Novemeber 2008. This also uses very few colours which are based around yellow, black and white with a variety of pictures. Unconventionally the lay-out is different compared to other magazines. The Contents and listing is placed on the right hand side of the page. But ironically the genre is 'Alternative' which could also connote to the lay-out implying that it is something different.

Feedback Magazine Contents Page (so far)

Feedback Magazine Front Cover Completed

Feedback Magazine Double Page Spread Completed